• Англо-Французская компания по производству фото оборудования для фото магазинов
  • зарегистрированный товарный знак
  • компания по производству расходных материалов
  • Французская компания по производству фото кабин

ООО "Фото-Ми Сервис" ( "Моя Планета Фото" ®)

Продажа оборудования, оказание различного вида фото услуг.


   Новинка 2015! Cублимационный принтер CTP3010  

   Компактный сублимационный принтер Brava-21  

  Где изготовить Фотобук в СНГ?  






Technical points Easy Booth

Passport photos
colour or black and white photos
4, 5 or 6 ID
24 or 16 mini ID

Fun products
Fun photos, Funny Face et Funny style

Digital photo printing
10x15 cm prints in three printing formats(1): Standard - Wallet - Portrait

Thermal dye-sublimation printing
1 or 2(2) thermal printers

Digital inputs :
Bluetooth® and Infrared

resolution :
346 DPI in fine mode

Photographic thermal paper roll and ink ribbon for thermal sublimation

Printing format :
10x15 cm

Printing speed :
35 seconds per ID print, 15 sec. per digital print (3).

Prints capacity :
600 prints per 10x15cm printer

File Formats
jpeg, bmp

Maintenance and care
Basic maintenance without chemistry and simplified paper loading

Sound :
1 Speaker, vocal guidance

Languages :
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Nederland, Portuguese, Hungarian, Czech, Polish, Chineese, Greek, specific language.

15’’ screen and 5 buttons desk

Means of payment
Anti-vandalism coin acceptor and/or bill(2) acceptor, Token

Connectivity :
DSL modem (2), GPRS modem (2).

Computer :
VIA C3 Processor 1 Ghz, 512 MB RAM, 1 GB solid state mass storage, windows XP embedded.

Others :
Ventilation (2), heather (2), disable access kit (2), smoke detector (2).

POS advertising :
Standard door or illuminated POS (2). Prints not supplied.

Color (2) :
Silver RAL 9006, blue RAL 5026, rouge RAL 3020, specific color

Detailed turnover, printed photos, media used

Accepted currency :
Euro, Sterling pound, Us dollar, Australian dollar, Swiss Franc, Specific currency.

Locking system :
Three-point security lock and padlock ring, padlock ring on each cash box.

1500 (L) x 1920 (H) x 750 (D) mm

Floor surface
1.125 mІ

Certifications :
CE, ICAO passport compliance

Power supply
230V / 2.8A /50Hz or 110V / 5.6A / 60Hz

Approximate weight :

Security standard
Conform with CE norms
ICAO complient

(1) According to configuration
(2) In Option
(3) With 2 printers

   Technical points
   Strong points
   More information

Рейтинг@Mail.ru Яндекс.Метрика top.PhotoPulse.ru - рейтинг фоторесурсов